West Bank, Palestine: “You can’t get sick here, it’s not allowed"

Israeli authorities are blocking Palestinians' access to health care in the West Bank.

A Palestinian teenager finds shelter from the sun after his home was demolished without warning in Umm al Kheir, Masafer Yatta, West Bank.

A Palestinian teenager finds shelter from the sun after his home was demolished without warning in Umm al Kheir, Masafer Yatta, West Bank. | Palestine 2024 © MSF

NEW YORK/WEST BANK, August 6, 2024 — Physical injuries, mental trauma, and restricted access to medical care are an everyday reality for many Palestinians living in and around the West Bank city of Hebron, warns Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a new report published today. 

Access to medical care for Palestinians in Hebron is rapidly deteriorating because of restrictions imposed by Israeli forces and violence perpetrated by Israeli soldiers and settlers, said MSF. 

“The movement restrictions, and harassment and violence by Israeli forces and settlers, is inflicting immense and unnecessary suffering on Palestinians in Hebron,” said Frederieke van Dongen, MSF humanitarian affairs manager. “This is having a disastrous impact on people’s mental and physical health.”

Sheep in Jinba, Hebron governorate, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories.
A water tank with bullet holes, caused by settlers shooting at homes, herd, and water tanks, according to the community in South Hebron Hills, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories.
The community’s water well demolished by Israeli settlers under the ‘protection’ of Israeli forces, according to the community, Masafer Yatta, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian Territories.

From left: Herding communities are forced to keep their sheep nearby due to settler attacks; bullet holes in a water tank after settlers shot at homes, herds, and tanks; a community's water well destroyed by settlers. Palestine 2024 © MSF

How attacks and movement restrictions block Palestinians’ access to care

Ministry of Health clinics across Hebron governorate have been forced to close, pharmacies have run short of medications, and ambulances transporting the sick and wounded have been obstructed and attacked. Faced with restrictions on their movements and the threat of violence, many sick people delay seeing a doctor or have no choice but to stop medical treatments altogether. Additionally, families across Hebron are experiencing severe financial hardship after losing their livelihoods, forcing many to cancel their health insurance, limit their food, and go without essential medicines.

There are no clinics operating within the closed area [H2] currently, and even if there were, residents live in fear of losing their lives for medicine. You can’t get sick here, it’s not allowed.

MSF staff member

This report is informed by qualitative and quantitative data collected between June 2023 and April 2024, including testimonies of Palestinian patients and community members supported by MSF in Hebron, interviews with MSF medical and non-medical staff, and anonymized records of MSF mental health data. The report sets out the consequences of Israeli-imposed movement restrictions and physical violence on Palestinians’ access to medical care and describes their devastating impacts on people’s physical and psychological wellbeing.

One of the most restricted areas within the West Bank is known as H2, where 21 permanent checkpoints operated by Israeli forces regulate the movement of Palestinian residents and pose significant barriers to health care workers trying to access the area. For two months after October 7, Ministry of Health clinics inside H2 were closed, and only one clinic was able to open as most of the Ministry of Health staff did not have permissions to cross the Israeli checkpoint into H2.

“There are no clinics operating within the closed area [H2] currently, and even if there were, residents live in fear of losing their lives for medicine,” said an MSF staff member and resident of H2, speaking in November 2023 after Israeli forces blocked access to all Ministry of Health staff in the area, forcing them to close their doors to patients. “You can’t get sick here, it’s not allowed.” 

A Palestinian woman in Masafer Yatta, West Bank.
"Imagine your son is sick and you want to take him to the doctor, but there is no car, and the road is long," said Jamla, a resident of Khirbet Al-Fakhit, Masafer Yatta. "Imagine how the situation is? Kids get sick or someone gets sick at night. For kids or elderly people, the situation is difficult. We also have no public transportation."
Palestine 2022 © Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF

Palestinians are fleeing in what may amount to forcible transfer

The continuous threat of violence places a severe strain on people’s mental health.

“When the soldiers come at night [during] home incursions my children and wife hide behind me for protection, but I cannot protect them,” said a Palestinian patient in Masafer Yatta, an area in the South Hebron Hills. “They have the power; they can do whatever they want.”

Ever-more coercive and violent policies and practices by Israeli authorities and settlers are pushing a growing number of Palestinian families to flee their homes in what may amount to a forcible transfer. Since October 2023, MSF teams have responded to the urgent needs of more than 1,500 Palestinians across Hebron who were either forcibly displaced from their villages or whose houses were demolished and possessions destroyed.

We call on the Israeli authorities to guarantee unimpeded access to health care and other essential services, to protect Palestinians against forced displacement, and to facilitate the safe return of displaced communities to their homes.

Frederieke van Dongen, MSF humanitarian affairs manager

“Despite their responsibilities as an occupying power, Israel authorities' have failed to meet their obligations to the Palestinian people,” Dongen said. 

“Israeli policies implemented in Hebron are already having far-reaching consequences on Palestinian’s physical and mental health. We call on the Israeli authorities to guarantee unimpeded access to health care and other essential services, to protect Palestinians against forced displacement, and to facilitate the safe return of displaced communities to their homes.”

MSF operations in the West Bank are focused on providing emergency care, primary health care via mobile clinics, and mental health care in Hebron, Nablus, and Jenin. MSF also continues to respond to the war in Gaza.

MSF report, Occupied Lives: The risk of forcible transfer of Palestinians in Hebron

Occupied Lives: The Risk of Forcible Transfer of Palestinians in Hebron

Read the report

In Hebron, a picture of life under violence and occupation

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